This Week Francesca GavinAugust 16, 2010Dazed, Francesca Gavin, George and the Dragon, Le Gun, Leslie Kulesh, Surreal House
From Ritual to Theatre Francesca GavinAugust 6, 2010Ancient and Modern, Francesca Gavin, Jim Shaw, Matt Stokes
today and soon Francesca GavinAugust 3, 2010176, Francesca Gavin, John Copeland, Paul Pieroni, Wes Lang
In Transit Francesca GavinJuly 24, 2010Evan Holloway, Francesca Gavin, Hotel, Juliette Blightman, Rebecca Horn, Surreal House, The Approach, head
Back to Blighty Francesca GavinJuly 19, 2010Dan Graham, Francesca Gavin, Rock My Religion, Steven Shearer, Stevie Wonder
Systematic Francesca GavinJune 29, 2010Cory Arcangel, Francesca Gavin, Seth Price, Systematic, Zabludowicz
Videodrome at Autocenter Francesca GavinJune 19, 2010Autocenter, Francesca Gavin, Videodrome, aaron moulton
Off again Francesca GavinJune 6, 2010Basel, Beamer Benz or Bentley, Berlin, Francesca Gavin, Nissan Honda Chevy